Oscar is an obsessive collector of the newspaper strips in the fictional Daily Inspector. As Oscar descends into a state of psychotic depression he becomes convinced that the strips mirror his life…
This is the most recent comic project I was involved with, a “found footage” facsimile scrapbook of newspaper strips, featuring the work of David Goodman, Andrew Cheverton & Tim Keable, John Maybury, Colin Stanford and myself, with Paul Rainey and Siobhan Hillman. This was a chance for me to work in a mid-’70s daily newspaper gag strip style, with the gags written by myself but fitting in with John Maybury’s overarcing story. (This is also why it’s been quiet on here for the last few months.)
If the idea of this project intrigues you, there’s an Oscar Charles Drayton page on Facebook for you to “Like”. If you’d like to own a copy, then keep an eye out at various UK comic conventions, or you can order it online via Angry Candy (price £7 inc P&P).